As a reviewer, you will be notified of a review request either through an email sent to your registered email address or by logging into your dashboard on the conference platform.

From the “My Queue” list, locate the submission title and Clicking the “Review” link will direct you to the first step of the review process within the submission record.

Once you click on “Review”, you will be redirected to a page that contains things like Full article file to download & Deadline to complete the review.

After accepting to do a review you will be directed to the editor’s Special Instructions information (if any).

Conduct the article review and provide feedback as necessary. If needed, you may also upload additional files. Once the review is complete, you can proceed to make a recommendation or decision on the paper.

After you have finished making your decision, you will receive the following notification.

At this stage, the paper review process has been completed. The next step is for the editor to process the review results and share them with the author. As reviewers, our role is now to wait and see if additional reviews are required after the author revises the paper.